Make MSN Homepage Using Internet Explorer With Utmost Level Of Ease

It is well ensured that you will be able to make MSN Homepage in a trouble free manner. However, it could be possible to encounter a wide variety of technical or non technical hitches and glitches during the course of following.

First off all you will be asked to go to Internet Explorer directly on personal computer system you are making use of and then open MSN Web site in order to login in to your account.

Once you are done in a successful manner, click “Tools” menu where you will have to choose “Internet Options” which would be located in the drop-down menu.


After completing it successfully, locate the “General” tab and then find “Homepage” section. Here, you will have to highlight the current homepage by just dragging mouse or clicking on it so that current MSN Homepage will be highlighted.

In addition to this, you will have to press the “Delete” key located on your keyboard to remove the current homepage in a trouble free manner. Besides, you are required to use your keyboard for entering “”

Now, you will have to click the “OK” button for a purpose of saving your new homepage and once you are done completely you will have to click the “Home” icon which would be on Internet Explorer.

By following the given steps, you will be able to Set Msn As My Homepage in a hassle free manner. apart from that, if you across any kind of problems during the course of using the steps given over here, it would be wise to get in touch with our toll free helpline number which will connect you to our professionals who will direct you the right guidance so that Make Msn My Homepage can be created with utmost level of ease. Apart from that, if you are comfortable with the phone call, it is suggested to make use of our other channels through which you could fetch the right guidance in a trouble free manner.